FAQs about the site

What is this site?

We use Ghost.io as the host for our subscription support page. This is the subscription site for the independent projects of David Delaney Mayer. Once you've subscribed, you are supporting the production of future films AND you gain access to watching the past films.

Where does the money go?

You may be shocked to know: arthouse documentaries never make any money. Not real money. So all of the subscriptions here go towards production of the films, which means it goes to a community of filmmakers that take part in production: to sound mixers, color mixers, camera operators, editors, composers and beyond.

Why should I subscribe?

To support a small team of independent filmmakers! And to watch some cool movies you can't really see anywhere else. Also, to get your name in the credits!

Where can I watch the work?
All of our work is available on our website, on our YouTube channel, and spread across streaming channels.

David Mayer Films, L.L.C. © . All rights reserved.